New deadline, October 15th
We have a new place for picking up clay, yay! Now you will find readied projects in the white bookcases at the back of the gallery classroom. (see pics)
Please be extra careful removing your child’s work, the sacks may be unbalanced, and behind other kids’ projects that may tip. Ceramics and pottery are breakable, of course.
Gallery hours are Wed – Sat, 11:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and sometimes later on first Wednesdays during market season. ***IMPORTANT: CLOSING FOR AUCTION. CLOSED FRIDAY 10/7 starting at 3PM, CLOSED ALL DAY SATURDAY 10/8. (unless you’re attending the auction) We will be open late on Wednesday Oct 5th for Sesquicentennial market.

Also look at the shelf of loose items, I couldn’t identify these!
Items with illegible or missing initials will be loose on a lower shelf. Your child may identify theirs if they’re with you for picking up projects, or tell you which ones from posted images.