Winner receives $100 cash and a 2023 commemorative stein.
If your art is selected to be placed on the ceramic stein it will wrap around the stein along with the header and footer. See last years stein displayed below.
- Artist: Any age but must be a resident of Forest Grove, Gaston, Gales Creek, Banks, or North Plains and their communities within. Applicant must be the artist.
- Medium Options: Paint, charcoal, pencil, ink, chalk, photography, digitial or combination of aformentioned. Must be art which can be photographed/scanned into a digital format and still maintain its clarity. (ie: no shadows, clear etc)
- Theme: Must represent Forest Grove or immediately adjacent countryside. Not meant to showcase any particular business for benefit of the business.
- Size and attributes: Art must be of a 20:7 ratio. (example: if a sketch was 20 in wide it should be 7 in tall. If digital art is 2000px wide it should be 700px tall or of that ratio. The higher the resolution the better.)
- Other: Must be digitized and sent via email as a high-resolution png or jpeg along with the application. Please include an explanation, description or short story of your art (fifty words or less) on the application below as requested.
- Submission Deadline: June 30, 2023 by 5pm. Submit to oktoberfestfg@gmail.com Voting will be performed by the Oktoberfest Committee and/or their delegates and annouced on or around July 8, 2023.
Selected art may be modified to be single color, outline or other adjustments to work with the stein printing format.
Though there will be a winner, it is possible no art is selected for the stein by the committee. For event details, apply for the contest or anything Oktoberfest visit the website Oktoberfestfg.com Questions email: oktoberfestfg@gmail.com
Download this PDF for the entry form, page 2.