The Artingales classroom is in a large cool basement.
- We will stay in for lunch all four days and the door will remain shut
- The building has AC and we have a fan
- There are popsicles in the freezer upstairs
- There is plenty of access to water, bottled and from sink
- For those who need to get out the wiggles, the basement has long open area and we will play physical game if needed.
- Plan to just pull through to back deck for pick up, we will be upstairs looking out the window at exactly 2:30pm, and your child will only be sent once we see your car. Text 503-929-4088 if you need to alert me to a pickup person / car that is unfamiliar to child or you are running late.
- There is a shop dog upstairs, please let me know if your child has a fear of dogs so we can close him in before going up.
- Artingales is located behind 2032 Pacific, accessed from lot at Ash street. Link is a YouTube short of driving from Pacific. This is the Google Map.